Quilt Appraisal’s

Kalona Historical Village 715 D Ave, Kalona, IA, United States

Need to Have That Quilt Appraised? An Appraisal Day is planned for March 31, 2023, at the Museum in Kalona Iowa.  ‘Walk-ins’ may be possible, but to make sure of a space and time for your appraisal(s) please contact Charleen Richtsmeier  quilter47.cr@gmail.com   or 641 847 2879 for an appointment. Anyone who lives within driving distance of Kalona is […]


Quilt Appraisal Day

Kalona Historical Village 715 D Ave, Kalona, IA, United States

Do you have a family quilt that you would like to find out it's historical details and worth, make an appointment to have this done by professional AQS Certified Appraisers. Contact Charleen Richtsmeier quilter47.cr@gmail.com or 641-847-2879
