Hello! Welcome to the Iowa Illinois Quilt Study Group. We are so happy you are here.
The Mission of our group is to create and establish a place for sharing research and learning about quilts and related textiles, to network with local, state, national and international historians and to encourage historic preservation of quilts with an appreciation of the social, historical, cultural, and aesthetic influences of quilts and quilt makers.
People from Iowa, Illinois, Wisconsin, Missouri, Minnesota and Colorado join us for our twice a year meeting. The meeting often include speakers that come from all over the country.
Our first meeting of the year is in April unless Easter is late. The second meeting is the first Friday and Saturday in August. The August meeting also features a silent auction that benefits our Speaker’s Fund.
Saturday, April 6th
Kalona Historical Village
715 D Ave Kalona, Iowa 52247
(319) 656-3232
We will be doing quilt appraisals on Friday April 5th – If you or someone you know has a quilt that they would like professionally appraised by a certified appraiser contact Charleen Richtsmeier at 641-847-2879, she will let you know the cost and what time slots are available.
Reservations are required due to the catering of the meal.
The Saturday fee is $35 for the day including lunch and is non-refundable.
Registrations are due by March 29, 2024. Any questions contact Marth Ann Crawford 319-855-8340 or e-mail her macrawford49@yahoo.com
Please bring any quilt or quilt story to share for show and tell. We love to see what IIQSG participants are collecting and creating and hear your experiences.
8:30-9 am: Registration
9-9:30 am: Welcome and Introductions
9:30-11:30 am: Janette Dwyer – “Bargain Quilts & The Quilt Buy of the Century”
11:30 – Noon: Tour of exhibits in both the Amish and English galleries
Noon – 1 pm: Catered Lunch
(please let us know on your registration form if there are any special dietary needs).
1-3 pm: Show and Tell Sessions: Bring your bargain quilts to show, quilts that have a cultural style, technique, or history, or anything you wish to show or tell about.