Kalona Historical Village 715 D Ave, Kalona, IA, United States


Kalona Community Center 511 C Avenue, Kalona, IA, United States


Sharon Hill Cemetery Kalona, IA, United States

What would your ancestors think about life today?   Join us on a historical cemetery walk at the Sharon Hill Cemetery in Kalona, Iowa on October 10 (5-7) or October 11 (1-3). The Iowa Mennonite Historical Society and Kalona Historical Village are highlighting several personal stories of 19th century ancestors buried at Sharon Hill.  Hear personalized accounts about 19th century […]



Sharon Hill Cemetery Kalona, IA, United States

What would your ancestors think about life today?   Join us on a historical cemetery walk at the Sharon Hill Cemetery in Kalona, Iowa on October 10 (5-7) or October 11 (1-3). The Iowa Mennonite Historical Society and Kalona Historical Village are highlighting several personal stories of 19th century ancestors buried at Sharon Hill.  Hear personalized accounts about 19th century […]


Annual Meeting

Kalona Historical Village 715 D Ave, Kalona, IA, United States

Drive Thru Soup Supper

Kalona Historical Village 715 D Ave, Kalona, IA, United States

Swing by for our drive-thru soup supper on March 19th between 5:00 pm - 7:30 pm!  We will be accepting free-will donations during this event.

Free Will Donation

New English Gallery Quilt Exhibit Opening

Kalona Historical Village 715 D Ave, Kalona, IA, United States

On April 1st, the new Quilt Exhibit English Gallery will be opening at the Kalona Historical Village!  Mike Zah's feed/ flour sack quilts will be featured during this event.  

Easter Egg Hunt

Kalona Historical Village 715 D Ave, Kalona, IA, United States

Visit the Kalona Historical Village on April 3rd at 10:00 am to hunt some Easter Eggs!  The hunt will begin at 10:20 am.

Feed Sack Quilt Lecture

Kalona Historical Village 715 D Ave, Kalona, IA, United States

Come listen to Mike Zahs give a lecture about the quilt exhibit found at the Kalona Historical Village Visitor Center!  This educational event will be on Friday, April 23rd at 2pm.