Jack O’ Lantern Jaunt

Kalona Historical Village 715 D Ave, Kalona, IA, United States

Sponsored by the Kalona Optimist Club and Kalona Historical Village. Come out for a family friendly evening trick or treating the different buildings at the Historical Village, all buildings are sponsored by local businesses or groups. Enjoy games, hot dogs, popcorn, treats, movie, crafts, and much more.

Free Will Donation

Quilt Appraisal Day

Kalona Historical Village 715 D Ave, Kalona, IA, United States

Do you have a family quilt that you would like to find out it's historical details and worth, make an appointment to have this done by professional AQS Certified Appraisers. Contact Charleen Richtsmeier quilter47.cr@gmail.com or 641-847-2879


Iowa Illinois Quilt Study Group

Kalona Historical Village 715 D Ave, Kalona, IA, United States

Iowa Illinois Quilt Study Group Meeting


Legislative Briefing and Luncheon

Kalona Historical Village 715 D Ave, Kalona, IA, United States

Legislative Briefing - Join us at the Kalona Historical Village to hear updates and engage in conversations with our Washington County area legislators. Lunch will be provided, with a discounted admission to tour the Historical Village Museum for only $10. Heather Hora District 92 Iowa State Representative Dawn Driscoll District 46 Iowa State Senator Legislative […]

Kalona Mennonite and Historical Societies Golf Benefit

Kalona Golf Course 1376 IA-1, Kalona, IA, United States

CANCELED!! golf benefit 2022 (2) Come out for a fun day of Golf while supporting your local museums!  Get your team of 4 signed up to play. Shotgun start at 9 am with a late lunch served at around 2 pm

Memorial Day

Kalona Historical Village 715 D Ave, Kalona, IA, United States

We will be closed