IIQSG (Iowa Illinois Quilt Study Group) Meeting
Kalona Historical Village 715 D Ave, Kalona, IA, United StatesLecture on Multi-Generational family quilts circa 1930-2020
Lecture on Multi-Generational family quilts circa 1930-2020
Opening of Spring Quilt Exhibit. Available Monday-Saturday 10-5
Annual Easter Egg Hunt - Bring the family out for some fun! Hunt thousands of eggs filled with candy and trinkets, bounce in the bounce house, dye an egg, do a craft, play some games, and ride the ponies. We will also be serving hot dogs, chips, cookies, and have drinks available.
golf benefit 2023 Come out and have some fun while playing for a good cause. Shotgun start at 1 p.m. with a dinner served at 6 p.m. Greens sponsorship - $420 (includes team entry & hole sponsorship & dinner) 4-Person team entry - $320 (includes 18 holes of golf & dinner) Hole sponsorship only $150 […]
1st week of camp June 19th-22nd 2023
Cute Illustrated Kids Summer Camp Flyer
Cute Illustrated Kids Summer Camp Flyer