Quilting Bee

Kalona Historical Village 715 D Ave, Kalona, IA, United States

Quilt Appraisal’s

Kalona Historical Village 715 D Ave, Kalona, IA, United States

Need to Have That Quilt Appraised? An Appraisal Day is planned for March 31, 2023, at the Museum in Kalona Iowa.  ‘Walk-ins’ may be possible, but to make sure of a space and time for your appraisal(s) please contact Charleen Richtsmeier  quilter47.cr@gmail.com   or 641 847 2879 for an appointment. Anyone who lives within driving distance of Kalona is […]


Spring Quilt Exhibit Opens

Kalona Historical Village 715 D Ave, Kalona, IA, United States

Opening of Spring Quilt Exhibit.  Available Monday-Saturday 10-5


Easter Egg Hunt

Kalona Historical Village 715 D Ave, Kalona, IA, United States

Annual Easter Egg Hunt - Bring the family out for some fun!  Hunt thousands of eggs filled with candy and trinkets, bounce in the bounce house, dye an egg, do a craft, play some games, and ride the ponies.  We will also be serving hot dogs, chips, cookies, and have drinks available.

Free Will Donation

Kalona Historical & Mennonite Historical Societies Golf Benefit

Kalona Golf Course 1376 IA-1, Kalona, IA, United States

golf benefit 2023 Come out and have some fun while playing for a good cause.  Shotgun start at 1 p.m. with a dinner served at 6 p.m. Greens sponsorship - $420 (includes team entry & hole sponsorship & dinner) 4-Person team entry - $320 (includes 18 holes of golf & dinner) Hole sponsorship only $150 […]


Summer Camp 2023

Kalona Historical Village 715 D Ave, Kalona, IA, United States

Cute Illustrated Kids Summer Camp Flyer

2023 Summer Camp

Kalona Historical Village 715 D Ave, Kalona, IA, United States

Cute Illustrated Kids Summer Camp Flyer